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Do you wanna know and taste the difference between and ale and a lager? What is the best food to pair with your IPA? and know more about the brewing process involving your favourite beer?


beer 101 - types and styles

And a description of your beer tastings. What to expect? what to learn? what to taste?

Deadlights jack lad schooner scallywag dance the hempen jig carouser broadside cable strike colors. Bring a spring upon her cable holystone blow the man down spanker Shiver me timbers to go on account lookout wherry doubloon chase. Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black spot yardarm spyglass sheet transom heave to.

Pale Ale & Pilsner

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Indian Pale Ale

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Dark Lager
Dark Lager

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Brown Ale
Brown Ale

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Some description text for this item

Imperial Stout

Some description text for this item

Sour Beers
Sour Beers

Some description text for this item


Some description text for this item

Make An Appointment


    Do you want to try some of the awesome beers from our Tastings? You can find them our market corner, what are you waiting for?

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    There is a thing that we love almost as much as beer and is talk about it. Check our Blog or come to some of our Lectures. One day there will be also video blogs and a lot of other cool staff hat right now is just in Jeppes head